Sunday, December 18, 2011

december eighteenth

Today I had a day off of work after working for 5 days straight. I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have. I was feeling particularly un-festive and scroogey. My mum and I drove to Mission to get out christmas tree like we have been doing the past few years. We got in a bit of an argument and I ended up bawling in the Mcdonald's parking lot. I felt pretty shitty. But then we also went to a thrift store and I got a few things. I got a couple of books that look really good. One is about getting out of debt. Now I know I'm not in debt but I figured I might as well get a jump start on getting out! I also bought some amazing little leather boots that are absolutely adorable for 4 dollars. And 2 sweaters. When we got to Mission I decided I wanted to go to Urban Planet because apparently I didn't get enough of it during the past 5 days. I looked around and tried on some things and silently criticized their store in my head. Because our store is better :) just kidding. Not. Anyways, I found a few things I liked so I will buy those tomorrow at my store since I'd rather give my store the business anyways. And then I get my discount. By that point it was too late to get the tree since it was getting dark and that's how things go so we went home and figured heck, we don't need a tree. Just kidding we're getting one but somewhere closer to home. So then we went to Chapters and looked around a bit. But then I decided I was famished so I got a piece of pizza from flying wedge. Then we went grocery shopping at save on and I sliced my finger open on this random piece of metal on the wall. It literally started gushing (sound familiar Georgie?) and wouldn't stop so I had to ask the girl working there for a band aid. It was kind of awkward. I had to hold a napkin to it for the entire shopping trip and for like half an hour when I got home. Then I put some toilet paper and duct tape not duck tape around it. It has finally stopped bleeding. I am having issues, that is the 3rd time I have cut that hand in the past 4 days. Once at work on a clothing rack, and at home on a cardboard shoe box? How do I do these things. So now I am home obviously, and am basking in the glory of doing nothing. And wondering how I got to this point in my life and how I can get out of this point in my life since I don't like it. Well it isn't terrible, I like my job the people are awesome. But my social life is non existent and I feel like a workaholic and I am so fucking SICK of living at home. But shh don't tell my parents. I am moving out as soon as I can save up the cash. I will find a cheap-o place to live in east van or burnaby or something. And maybe I will take a semester off of school and work full full time. As in more than 40 hours a week. 50 or something. It is actually totally doable. I know who will scoff at this but I don't care. People will always find something to scoff about. Life is damn short. I want to do the things that I want to do. Not what other people want me to do. Try scoffing at that!