Monday, December 5, 2011
december fifth
Well I am happy that I have quite a few hours this week for work! Thank goodness. I am "on call" for tomorrow so I have to call them at 9:30 am and if they need me I will work from 11-3. Then Wednesday I am going to school to pick up my cheque from my last newspaper article. Thursday I work from 10-3. Friday I am hopefully seeing Jefferson or whatever the heck his code name is. Jeffrey? Jefferson. Anyways. I also have to go to school and hand in my creative writing portfolio. To be honest I am dumb and really should have gotten work done today when I have the time! Shoot. All I did was hand out a few resumes because I need a second job because 1) I may not get enough hours at Urban Planet and 2) it is a seasonal job which means therefore that when the holidays are over I will once again be unemployed UNLESS I get another job (why did I say therefore? that was so unnecessary). And it is way more relaxing looking for a job when I already have one. So. Friday will be busy and friday evening I am most likely going to the Capilano Suspension bridge in North Van for the christmas lights thingy they put on with my aunt and grandpa who are coming down for the weekend for my aunt's 40th. Then we are all going out for dinner at the Boathouse in Port Moody. I am excited I get to dress up! Also I love my new hair cut which I got yesterday it's quite a bit shorter but still past my shoulders. I also got a new bra from lasenza it's a newer style and I promise you it is the most comfortable bra I have ever worn. So that's good. Saturday I am working from 12-5 god my life is interesting. I'm sure everyone loves reading these fascinating posts about my fascinating life. Oh yeah and polyvore is an extremely addictive website I can't stop making fashion collages it's awesome! I think that's about it, maybe tomorrow I will have some real news.